289 Essential VSCode Keyboard Shortcuts For Developers in 2023

As a beginner or advanced programmer, you must be familiar with the importance of using an efficient code editor for coding and development. VS Code editor is a popular choice for programmers worldwide due to its wide range of features and functionality. Despite the emergence of several new coding tools in the market, VS Code remains the go-to product for coding due to its ease of use and versatility.

To maximize your productivity and efficiency, mastering visual studio code keyboard shortcuts is essential. With the various VSCode keyboard shortcuts, you can easily navigate, edit, and debug your code in a short amount of time. In this article, we’ll be discussing the various VSCode hotkeys or Visual Studio Code (VS Code) shortcuts that can help you perform coding tasks faster and more effectively.

Alt + ClickAdd cursor
Ctrl + Alt + Up/DownAdd cursor above/below
Ctrl + Shift + GAdd cursor to next find match
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + GAdd cursor to previous find match
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Up/DownAdd cursor to previous/next line
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Left/RightAdd cursor to previous/next occurrence
Ctrl + Shift + P, then type “add folder”Add folder to workspace
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + CAdd line comment
Ctrl + Shift + +Add parameter
Alt + EnterAdd selection to last find match occurrence
Ctrl + DAdd selection to next find match
Ctrl + Shift + LAdd selection to next find match occurrence
Ctrl + Shift + KAdd selection to previous find match occurrence
F9Add/remove breakpoint
Ctrl + Shift + P, then type “change case”Change case of selected text
Ctrl + K, then MChange file language mode
Ctrl + K, then Ctrl + MChange language mode
Ctrl + Shift + LChange selected text to lowercase
Ctrl + Shift + UChange selected text to uppercase
Ctrl + K, then Ctrl + WClose all editors except active
Ctrl + K, then WClose all open editors except the active one
Ctrl + Shift + W Close current window
Ctrl + Shift + WClose terminal
Ctrl + EnterCommit
Ctrl + K, then Ctrl + CCommit changes
Ctrl + CCopy line (empty selection)
Shift + Alt + Up/DownCopy line up/down
Ctrl + Shift + CCopy selection
Ctrl + NCreate new file
Ctrl + Shift + P, then type “snippet”Create new snippet
Ctrl + Shift + `Create new terminal
Ctrl + Shift + N Create new window
Ctrl + Alt + N Create new workspace
Ctrl + XCut line (empty selection)
Ctrl + BackspaceDelete all left
Ctrl + DeleteDelete all right
Shift + F9Delete breakpoint
Ctrl + Shift + KDelete current line
Ctrl + Shift + KDelete line
Ctrl + Shift + DDuplicate line
Shift + Alt + DownDuplicate selection
Ctrl + Shift + P, then type “keyboard shortcuts”Edit keyboard shortcuts
Ctrl + F9Enable/disable breakpoint
Ctrl + K, then ZEnter Zen mode
TabExpand abbreviation
Ctrl + Shift + XExtensions
Ctrl + Shift + .Extract method
Ctrl + Shift + ,Extract variable
Ctrl + Shift + FFind
Ctrl + Shift + FFind and replace text across all files in the current workspace
Ctrl + FFind and replace text in current file
Ctrl + Shift + FFind in files
F3Find next
Shift + F3Find previous
Ctrl + Shift + FFind/replace in workspace
F6Focus next part of the UI
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Right/LeftFocus next/previous part of file
Shift + F6Focus previous part of the UI
Ctrl + K, then Ctrl + 0Fold all
Ctrl + K, then Ctrl + 0Fold all blocks
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + 0-9Fold/unfold all code blocks
Alt + Shift + 1-9Fold/unfold code blocks
Ctrl + Shift + IFormat document
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + LFormat selected code using ESLint
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + FFormat selected code using Prettier
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + FFormat selection
Alt + Shift + FFormat selection (with Prettier extension)
Ctrl + Alt + FFormat the entire document
Alt + Left/RightGo back/forward
Ctrl + Alt + Left/Right Go back/forward in editor history
F12Go to definition
Ctrl + K, then Ctrl + QGo to last edit location
Ctrl + GGo to line
Ctrl + Shift + P, then type “go to line in open file”Go to line in open file
Ctrl + G, then Ctrl + GGo to line/column
Ctrl + F2Go to next bookmark
F4Go to next change
F8Go to next problem
Shift + F2Go to previous bookmark
Shift + F4Go to previous change
Shift + F8Go to previous problem
Ctrl + Shift + OGo to symbol
Ctrl + Shift + OGo to symbol in workspace
TabIndent line or selection
Ctrl + Shift + ]/[ Indent/outdent line
Ctrl + Shift + P, then type “insert snippet”Insert a snippet
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + ↓Insert cursor at end of each line selected
Alt + ClickInsert cursor at the clicked location
Ctrl + Shift + EnterInsert line above
Ctrl + EnterInsert line below
Ctrl + Alt + ClickInsert multiple cursors at the clicked locations
TabInsert snippet
Ctrl + Shift + P, then type “ext install”Install extension
Ctrl + Shift + JJoin lines
F12Jump to definition
Ctrl + Shift + Jump to matching bracket
Ctrl + Shift + LJump to next word highlight
Alt + Left/RightJump to next/previous edit
Ctrl + Right/LeftJump to next/previous word
Ctrl + Shift + PJump to previous word highlight
Ctrl + K, then Ctrl + SKeyboard shortcut editor
Ctrl + Down/UpMove cursor to next/previous blank line
Alt + Up/DownMove line or selection up/down
Alt + Up/DownMove line up/down
Alt + Up/DownMove selected lines up/down
Ctrl + Shift + [ / ]Move to previous/next terminal tab
Ctrl + Shift + TabNavigate editor group history
Ctrl + Shift + BackspaceNavigate to last edit location
F8Navigate to next error or warning
Ctrl + Shift + SpaceNavigate to next parameter hint
Ctrl + Shift + .Navigate to next symbol highlight
Shift + F8Navigate to previous error or warning
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + SpaceNavigate to previous parameter hint
Ctrl + Shift + ,Navigate to previous symbol highlight
Ctrl + K, then POpen command palette
Ctrl + Shift + DOpen Debug panel
Alt + F12Open definition to the side
Ctrl + Shift + XOpen extension panel
Ctrl + OOpen file
Ctrl + Shift + EOpen file explorer panel
Ctrl + K, then EnterOpen file in new window
Ctrl + Shift + GOpen Git panel
Ctrl + Shift + FOpen global search
Ctrl + Shift + TOpen integrated terminal
Ctrl + Shift + COpen integrated terminal to current file directory
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + SOpen Keyboard Shortcuts editor
Ctrl + Shift + EOpen last active file in explorer
Ctrl + K, then VOpen markdown preview to the side
Ctrl + Shift + NOpen new window
Ctrl + TabOpen next editor
Ctrl + Shift + VOpen preview
Ctrl + Shift + VOpen preview of Markdown file in the side panel
Ctrl + K, then VOpen preview to side
Ctrl + K, then VOpen preview to the side
Ctrl + Shift + TabOpen previous editor
Ctrl + K, then Ctrl + OOpen recent file
Ctrl + R, then Ctrl + ROpen recent workspace
Alt + F12Open reference to the side
Ctrl + ,Open settings
Ctrl + Shift + P, then type “settings”Open settings editor
Ctrl + Shift + GOpen source control
Ctrl + ,Open user settings
Ctrl + K, then Ctrl + OOpen workspace
Ctrl + `Open/close integrated terminal
Shift + TabOutdent line or selection
Ctrl + Shift + VPaste from clipboard
Ctrl + VPaste line below
Ctrl + Shift + F12Peek definition
Ctrl + K, then F12Peek definition to the side
Ctrl + Shift + V Preview Markdown
Ctrl + Shift + DPull
Ctrl + Shift + EnterPush
Ctrl + K, then PPush changes
Ctrl + PQuick open file
Ctrl + . (period)Quick-fix suggestion for errors
Ctrl + Shift + . (period)Quick-fix suggestion for warnings
Ctrl + Shift + Y Redo last action
Ctrl + Shift + RRefactor symbol
Ctrl + Shift + F9Remove all breakpoints
Ctrl + Shift + P, then type “remove folder”Remove folder from workspace
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + URemove line comment
Ctrl + K, then Ctrl + URemove line comment on selected lines
Ctrl + Shift + –Remove parameter
F2Rename symbol
Ctrl + Shift + TReopen closed editor
Ctrl + Shift + TReopen last closed terminal
Ctrl + Shift + HReplace all
Ctrl + Shift + H Replace all occurrences of a term in a file
Ctrl + Shift + HReplace all occurrences of selected text with a new value
Ctrl + Shift + HReplace in all files
Ctrl + Shift + F5Restart debugging
Ctrl + Shift + E, then Ctrl + Shift + FReveal active file in Explorer
Ctrl + K, then Ctrl + BReveal in side bar
Ctrl + Shift + SSave all files
Ctrl + K, then SSave all open files
Ctrl + K, then Ctrl + SSave changes
Ctrl + SSave file
Ctrl + K, then Ctrl + SSave workspace
Ctrl + ↑/↓Scroll line up/down without moving cursor
Ctrl + Shift + Page Up/DownScroll terminal up/down
Ctrl + Shift + FSearch in all files
Ctrl + Shift + LSelect all occurrences of current selection
Ctrl + F2Select all occurrences of current word
Ctrl + Shift + LSelect all occurrences of the current selection
Ctrl + D (with no selection)Select current word
Ctrl + LSelect line
Ctrl + .Select next suggestion
Ctrl + ,Select previous suggestion
Shift + Alt + Home/EndSelect to beginning/end of document
Ctrl + Shift + Home/EndSelect to beginning/end of line
Shift + Home/EndSelect to beginning/end of terminal line
Shift + Alt + Left/RightSelect to previous/next word
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + FSet language mode for current file
Ctrl + Shift + PShow all commands
Ctrl + Shift + P, then type “emmet”Show all Emmet commands
Ctrl + K, then TShow all file types
Ctrl + Shift + P, then type “git”Show all git commands
Ctrl + Shift + P, then type “live share”Show all Live Share commands
Ctrl + Shift + P, then type “settings”Show all settings commands
Ctrl + Shift + OShow all symbols
Ctrl + K, then Ctrl + TShow all symbols in workspace
Ctrl + Shift + P, then type “terminal”Show all terminal commands
Ctrl + Shift + PShow command palette
Ctrl + Shift + EShow Explorer
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + IShow hover information
Ctrl + K, then PShow markdown preview
Ctrl + Shift + VShow markdown preview to the side
Ctrl + Shift + MShow problems
Ctrl + Shift + MShow problems panel
Ctrl + K, then RShow recent files list
Ctrl + K, then F12Show references
Shift + F12Show references in Peek view
Ctrl + Shift + FShow Search
Ctrl + K, then Ctrl + H Show/hide explorer
Ctrl + ` Show/hide integrated terminal
Ctrl + Alt + T Show/hide integrated terminal tab
Ctrl + Shift + U Show/hide output panel
Ctrl + JShow/hide panel for debugging console
Ctrl + Shift + M Show/hide problems panel
Ctrl + Shift + F Show/hide replace panel
Ctrl + Shift + E Show/hide search panel
Ctrl + `Show/hide terminal
Ctrl + BShow/hide the sidebar
F9, then ASort lines alphabetically
F9, then LSort lines by length
Ctrl + Split editor
Ctrl + K, then SStage changes
F5Start debugging
F5Start debugging with breakpoints
Ctrl + F5Start debugging without breakpoints
F11Step into
Ctrl + Shift + F11Step into targets
Shift + F11Step out
F10Step over
Shift + F5Stop debugging
Ctrl + Shift + F10Stop on entry
Ctrl + Shift + {Surround selected text with curly braces
Ctrl + Shift + (Surround selected text with parentheses
Ctrl + Shift + ‘ or “Surround selected text with single or double quotes
Ctrl + Shift + [Surround selected text with square brackets
Ctrl + TabSwitch between open editors
Ctrl + Shift + JSwitch to last active editor group
Shift + Alt + AToggle block comment
Shift + Alt + AToggle block comment on selected lines
Ctrl + BToggle bold
Ctrl + K, then Ctrl + HToggle breadcrumbs
F9Toggle breakpoint
Ctrl + /Toggle comment on selected code
Visual Code comment shortcut
Ctrl + , then Ctrl + 1-9Toggle editor group layout
Ctrl + Shift + EToggle file explorer
Alt + CToggle find case sensitive
Ctrl + Shift + LToggle find in selection
Alt + WToggle find whole word
F11Toggle full screen
Ctrl + K, then HToggle hidden files in file explorer
Ctrl + Shift + UToggle highlight search results
Ctrl + `Toggle integrated terminal
Ctrl + IToggle italic
Ctrl + /Toggle line comment
Ctrl + K, then Ctrl + CToggle line comment on selected lines
Ctrl + Shift + P, then type “toggle line numbers”Toggle line numbers
Ctrl + Shift + OToggle mark occurrences
Ctrl + Shift + P, then type “toggle minimap”Toggle minimap
Ctrl + Shift + AltToggle multi-cursor modifier key
Ctrl + JToggle panel
Ctrl + J, then Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Left/RightToggle panel position
Alt + F12Toggle peek definition
Ctrl + .Toggle quick fix
Ctrl + Shift + 8Toggle render whitespace
Alt + RToggle search regex
Ctrl + Shift + UToggle selected text between uppercase, lowercase, and title case
Ctrl + BToggle side bar
Ctrl + BToggle sidebar
Ctrl + BToggle sidebar visibility
Ctrl + Shift + 5Toggle strikethrough
Ctrl + MToggle tab key moves focus
Ctrl + `Toggle terminal
Alt + ZToggle word wrap
Ctrl + K, then ZToggle Zen Mode
Ctrl + UTransform to lowercase
Ctrl + Shift + UTransform to uppercase
Ctrl + K, then Ctrl + XTrim trailing whitespace
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + XTrim trailing whitespace from entire file
Ctrl + K, then Ctrl + JUnfold all
Ctrl + K, then Ctrl + JUnfold all blocks
Ctrl + Shift + P, then type “ext update”Update all extensions
Ctrl + Shift + P, then type “update extensions”Update extensions
Ctrl + Shift + LView git log
Ctrl + E, then Ctrl + EnterWrap with abbreviation